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Newsletter   /ˈn(y)o͞ozˌletər/    a bulletin issued periodically to the members of a society, business, or organization

Branche Olive: Newsletters

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Fleur de Lis

Available Now

/flɜrdlˈiz/ a stylized lily, political, dynastic, artistic and emblematic.

Fleur de Lis is Olivia’s story. We first meet her as an innocent yet earnest young woman. She has a successful small business and a boyfriend with a wandering eye. Life puts in to action a series of challenges that sees Olivia fall in and out of love.

Baby's Breath

Coming Soon

/beɪbizˌbrɛθ/ delicate and fragile - used as a background for many arrangements.

Baby’s Breath is Donna’s story. Donna is a strong willed, independent woman. She is on a meteoric career path and is very dedicated to her profession.

Her relationships rarely keep up with the demands of her busy hours. Donna rarely keeps up with the demands of her relationships.


The Banyan

In Progress
